Contract Specifications

Contract Type

Call and Put Options



Method of Exercise

Cash Settlement in USDC

Settlement Asset


Trading Hours


Expiration Date & Time

D0/D+1*, or Friday at 8am UTC

Settlement Period**

8am – 8pm UTC


1 (1 contract = 1 underlying asset)

Minimum Order Value

0.000001 contract

Contract Expirations**

D0/D+1, W+1, W+2, M+1, M+2, M+3, Q1, and Q+2

*Settlement Period

Before settling expired options, Siren Protocol waits for 12 hours in case of an oracle price dispute.

**Expiration Dates

  • D0/D1: current day or next day (if current time is > 8 a.m. UTC)

  • W+1: the nearest Friday from the current or next day

  • W+2: next Friday from the current or next day

  • M+1: last Friday in +1 month from the current or next day

  • M+2: last Friday in +2 months from the current or next day

  • M+3: last Friday in +3 months from the current or next day

  • Q+1: last Friday in +1 quarter from the current or next day

  • Q+2: last Friday in +2 quarter from the current or next day

Last updated